Lunar Aurora - Andacht (2007) (260 kbps)

Genre: black metal, atmospheric black metal, speed metal
About: Their latest (and possibly last - they are on hiatus) effort displays a much more developed sound than previous efforts... Less about slamming you in the face with speedy blast beats for a solid hour, there's more tempo variation, more melody, more atmosphere, the production is better, it's just a more developed sound in every way possible. However tracks such as track 5 are closer to speed metal than anything else. Looking forward to future releases, but in the meantime we have this to enjoy.

Download pt 1
Download pt 2

Necronomicon 2008

Necronomicon 2008 Badge

Steampunk was this year's theme for the 27th Necronomicon -- hence the "ScientiFiction Exposition" descriptor. The Achilles H.E.E.L.S. (High Earth Extraterrestrial Liaison Station) button comes courtesy of Sci-Fi Times TV.

I got back from St. Petersburg on Sunday night, after a stopover at the Achilles space station to do a couple gigs as Commander Mal. Got out of bed at, oh, about one on Monday afternoon. After a weekend of the usual convention sleep-dep, a single bottle of Guinness Stout had me out for the night and then some.... (continued)

LaQuinta St. Petersburg, Room 101

I had a lovely room at the LaQuinta on Rt. 19, about 6-1/2 miles from the Bayfront Hilton, where Necro was held. In this shot I checked e-mail while watching Game 1 of the ALCS.

Games 1 and 2 of the playoffs between the Boston Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays occurred at Tropicana Field, which lay between LaQuinta and the Hilton. The ballpark shown on my TV screen was only a few miles away from this room.

My home is about 85 miles from this location, but that still makes the Rays my "home team" in Florida. Before my move here, I lived in the Boston area for 20 years, which means the Red Sox were also my "home team." I have therefore taken the attitude: May the best club win.

This year's galivanting has turned me into a bargain hunter where conventions are concerned. In addition to my room costing 43 percent of the Hilton's "special convention rate," I enjoyed free WiFi and free parking -- the Hilton's guest-only lot ran $12/day. Public parking near the convention ran me $4 on Friday over at Progress Energy Park and $5 on Saturday at a public parking garage, when PE Park held its farmer's market. I lucked out on Sunday, getting a free spot (metered only on weekdays) around the corner from the Hilton, the only one left of about six available for those early enough to arrive. Having to be at a 10 o'clock panel helped.

Progress Energy Park has a wonderfully antiquated payment system for parking that led to my rolling four singles one at a time into tiny coils and jamming them into the narrow slot corresponding to parking spot #351. The slot was one of many set in a rusted metal box sporting a heavy padlock on the back. Mary later told me she'd seen the same arrangement in Tacoma Park, but at the time I stopped and questioned a groundskeeper, wondering if that payment system was for real. I finally decided that four bucks for peace of mind was a bargain and a half. The rusted box is one of those shots that in retrospect I wish I had taken, but schlepping a bunch of books and then some on a hot and humid day made me forgetful.

Farmer's Market

You can see the stadium behind Saturday's farmer's market. None of the stalls had opened for business yet, or I'd have picked up my lunch before setting up my table and doing my first of three panels. Progress Energy Park is now the location for minor league games, but it had been the home of the Rays before Tropicana Field was built.

Elissa Malcohn at Necronomicon

Depending on the event, sometimes Aisling Press has one table where all of its authors share space. Other times, as at Necro, each author has a table. We and other vendors were situated in an open area, so we had daily set-ups and break-downs and stored our wares overnight inside the lockable dealer room. What with added publications, my display has grown considerably since the one I had at Necro last year.

Bo Savino at Necronomicon

Bo Savino (right) and Amanda.

K.L. Nappier at Necronomicon

K.L. (Kathy) Nappier. Her centerpiece is a little motorized Halloween carousel complete with the skeletons of horses and riders.

Bo, Kathy, and I were authors at the Aisling Press tables. I was stationed between Bo's table and Michael Darling's.

Michael Darling at Necronomicon

On Saturday morning I moderated "Defining Romantic Art and Literature." From the program description: "In literary and artistic terminology, 'romance' is not a Barbara Cartland thing. Our authors and artists discuss the real meaning of 'romance.' Joining me were Glenda Finkelstein, Will Ludwigsen, Philip McCall, and Paul Vincenti.

After introductions I cited a couple of definitions of "romance" from Webster's online dictionary:

  • A prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time and place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious

  • An emotional attraction or aura belonging to an especially heroic era, adventure, or activity

  • One of the panelists defined romance as inspiring a sense of awe. We talked about how even gritty realism can be romanticized. Among other things, we tossed around a dead rat (figuratively, that is) -- discussing how such a stark image can be romanticized through lighting and perspective. In addition to writing, painting, and photographs, we explored the ways in which a class of movies has changed from romanticized "black and white" character depictions to more complex but still romanticized characters dealing with internal as well as external conflicts.

    Later that day I was on the panel "Linking Poetry and Art" ("Poets and artists suggest ways in which their creative pursuits can accentuate each other"), moderated by Marge Simon and joined also by Bruce Boston and Malcolm Deeley. First, we talked a bit about ekphrasis (poetry based on art forms -- see, for example, "Ekphrasis: Poetry Confronting Art" at and read poems inspired by art works. Space and Time #104 contains poems that Marge and I had written based on art show pieces we'd seen at last year's Necronomicon.

    Marge and Malcolm demonstrated how the art-poetry relationship can be bidirectional. In their collection Legends of the Fallen Sky, each installment fueled the next, poem inspiring painting, which then inspired the next poem, and so on. (Malcolm's blog entry "When a poem becomes a painting" describes the process of ekphrasis in reverse.) On Saturday night up to eight of us gathered in Marge's and Bruce's room for an informal and fun, wine and cheese-fueled sharing of poetry.

    Before the reading I was able to get in a few costume shots:

    Sci-Fi Times TV Meets Ghostbusters

    Co-host "Nikto" (Glenda Finkelstein) and Tom Savino (the "Tech Guy") from Sci-Fi Times TV speak with a Ghostbuster.

    Steampunk costumes

    Pirates at Necronomicon

    Ghouls at Necronomicon

    Archer at Necronomicon


    Musicians at Necronomicon

    Marge, Malcolm, and I also put in an appearance at 10 AM on Sunday for "Creating Alternative Worlds" ("Authors give their tips on how to create a believable and yet very different world for fictional works"), joined by William R. Logan and moderated by Michael L. Joy. Our discussion included transplanting real-life details into fictional forms and settings, the uses and abuses of invented language, and methods of distilling and presenting the details of one's research into a story without bogging it down. Among other citations, I mentioned this collection of Patricia C. Wrede's Worldbuilder Questions.

    Later that day, Glenda and Tony Finkelstein interviewed me for "Andromeda Library" (launch date TBA), which will join the roster of shows on Ad Astra Radio, "the world's first talk radio network devoted to science fiction entertainment."

    On my way home I stopped at the Achilles Space Station to be Commander Mal for a bit, and afterwards took some shots of the set:

    Sci-Fi Times TV, the Achilles Space Station

    This is a two-part panorama. Here's a close-up of a section:

    Sci-Fi Times TV, Achilles Close-up

    Another recurring "character" on the show is Fifi, a rescued orphan of an alien species called the Grock. Fifi is still young, small, and cute, and has a special fondness for the taste of superhero action figures (as evidenced in Show #2).

    Sci-Fi Times TV, Fifi

    A composite shot of the viewscreens:

    Sci-Fi Times TV, Achilles Viewscreens

    The Achilles Space Station set resides in this yurt. I took this shot around 7 PM, before taking off for home.

    Home of Sci-Fi Times TV

    This coming Saturday I'll give the keynote at the Florida State Poets Association convention.

    Covenant, the first volume in the Deviations Series, is available from Aisling Press, and from AbeBooks, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Territory, Borders,,,, DEAstore,,,,, Powell's Books, and Target. Deviations: Appetite is now available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble. The Deviations page has additional details.

    Yngwie Malmsteen - Perpetual Flame (2008) (Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force - Perpetual Flame)

    Genre: guitar virtuoso, heavy metal, power metal
    About: Epic win so far. Tim "The Ripper" Owens sounds arguably the best he ever has, and the guitar is classic Malmsteen with fast shredding and crazy solos.

    Download pt 1
    Download pt 2

    Cycle Sluts From Hell - Cycle Sluts From Hell (1991)

    Cover Image (hidden because of nudity :D)

    Genre: thrash metal, hair metal, heavy metal
    About: "Though the name implied an all-girl group, in fact the band consisted of four female singers backed by an all-male band (the lineup of which isn’t entirely clear, though it is known that one of the guitarists was Chris Moffett, later of Warrior Soul, and one-time Overkill guitarist Bobby Gustafson also briefly appeared on the album and toured with the band).

    With member names such as “Venus Penis Crusher” and “She-Fire Of Ice”, it’s hard to believe that this was ever meant to be a band to be taken seriously. In any event, the one album is anthemic, simplistic metal, bordering on thrash at times (particularly on I Wish You Were A Beer, which got some decent MTV play at the time). but otherwise not a lot is known about the band. Debuting at a time where grunge was beginning to take hold, the album failed to take hold and the band soon disappeared.

    One of the female members of the “cycle sluts,” vocalist Vas Kallas, became a founding member of industrial metal band Hanzel und Gretyl in 1993."
    -(stolen from


    ReinXeed - The Light (2008)

    Genre: power metal, symphonic metal, christian metal, melodic metal
    About: Light happy cheese metal similar to Freedom Call, Power Quest, Celesty, Stratovarius, etc. You'll like this if you like fantasy themes and ridiculously high male voices, etc.


    Nexx - Another Dawn (2006)

    Genre: (Female-Fronted), (Hard Rock), (Melodic Rock)
    About: Sadly this was their second and last album. But we can still enjoy this solid album. Best song is "Again" but "Critical" is a close second.

    Download pt 1
    Download pt 2

    Nexx - Colours (2003)

    Genre: (Female-Fronted), (Hard Rock), (Melodic Rock)
    About: Fantastic debut from this spanish Melodic Rock band singing in English. Female singer is fantastic (and hot). Best song is "Get Fire".


    Jean-Michel Jarre - Sessions 2000

    Genre: (Ambient), (Electronic), (electronica), (Instrumental), (new age)
    About: SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII did i forget to post today FCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK well here we go whatever im listening to on shuffle right now. then two another day to make up for missing these 2 days. Ok well i love this so you should download it too.


    (Edit 07/2009- lol 0 downloads. Lets just say i wrote this on a bad day. But it really is a good album.)

    Flight Charm - Waiting White Lady (1988)

    Genre: (Hard Rock), (Heavy Metal), (Power Metal)
    About: This is a hard rock/heavy metal in the vein of early Helloween. They were a very unknown Italian band, and they only ever released one demo, one EP (this), and one album- which is a shame because it is great. Track 4, Flash Light, is my favorite. The singer actually reminds me of Mark Boals to some extent. He went on to be in the band Moonlight Circus for a while.


    The Nearctica Waltz

    Love Bugs
    Love bugs, Plecia nearctica, doin' what they do best. The male is facing left, the female facing up.

    I perform a cappella singing and spoken word at the Woodview Coffeehouse in Lecanto, FL. My singing is scatting -- i.e., wordless -- and I make up the tune as I go along. No two renditions are the same.

    Most of the Woodview performers are musicians singing their own or other people's work. As I listened to them over the months, I had a hankering to write a song, something that had particular music and lyrics.

    Last year, an especially hefty swarm of love bugs gave me my opening.

    "The lucky in love spend about three days together gorging on nectar and pollen, gleefully snorting tailpipe exhaust, flaunting their marathon lust on the breezes," wrote Amber Mobley last year in her St. Petersburg Times article, "Feel like telling them 'Get a room'?" "Lacking the decency to get a room, these two are intimate the entire time. Eat, copulate, repeat."

    "The Nearctica Waltz" received its public premiere this past August at Denvention 3/Worldcon. I'd performed it during the speculative poetry panel and introduced it as, "a musical poem with visual aid," because I'd printed out an 8x10 of the photo above and held that up for the audience.

    My Friday night audience at Woodview needed no such explanation. This fall the love bugs made a rather modest (as it were) appearance in my area -- nothing anywhere close to the thick, lusty clouds last year that made me say I feel a song comin' on!

    Lyrics follow. Click on the eSnips widget (it'll open a separate window) to listen to Friday night's rendition.

    The Nearctica Waltz, Woodview Coffeehouse, Oct. 3, 2008
    The Nearctica Walt...
    Hosted by eSnips

    The Nearctica Waltz

    They meet in the grass, rising up from the dirt.
    And before we all know it, he's stuck up her skirt.
    They pump their sweet lovin' right onto your shirt --
    Such tender romance. Up your arms. Down your pants…

    They float in a passion. The world is their bed
    For his tiny body and her tiny head.
    And after their tryst, they will finally drop dead.
    For that's the Nearctica Waltz.

    They couple on walls, in the air, on your clothes.
    She drags her companion wherever she goes.
    And glued end to end, they go where the wind blows --
    On windows, on shorts. How they're flaunting their sporting…

    They float in a passion. The world is their bed
    For his tiny body and her tiny head.
    And after their tryst, they will finally drop dead.
    For that's the Nearctica Waltz.

    Plecia nearctica, little lovin' flies.
    They mate in mid-air with the greatest of ease,
    Gumming our windshields as we watch them die
    In their short-lived, pornographic trapeze.


    I give them the finger, but it does me no good.
    They're already on it, producing their brood.
    Wherever I go, they're lascivious and lewd.
    How devotedly he humps her, right onto my bumper…

    They float in a passion. The world is their bed
    For his tiny body and her tiny head.
    And after their tryst, they will finally drop dead.
    For that's the Nearctica Waltz.

    They teach me on the highway,
    Every spring and every fall:
    'Tis better to love and then be squashed
    Than to never
    At all.

    Lovebugs In Flagrante Splatto

    Covenant, the first volume in the Deviations Series, is available from Aisling Press, and from AbeBooks, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Territory, Borders,,,, DEAstore,,,,, Powell's Books, and Target. Deviations: Appetite is now available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble. The Deviations page has additional details.

    [end of entry]

    Unearth - The March (2008)

    Genre: (hardcore), (Melodic Death Metal), (Metalcore)
    About: It's 6am and i dont want to sleep because this is the best night of my life. I saw Unearth and 4 other bands but unearth blew them out of the water and all the trve metalheads went crazy myself included. There was a massive pit where people were either hardcore dancing or running around in circles. So here's their new album, I havent listened but they played stuff from it live and it was amazing. (Consider this my post for Oct 3d, i was too busy. ill have another post today also.)


    StormWarrior - Heading Northe (2008)

    Genre: (Heavy Metal), (Power Metal), (Speed Metal), (Viking Metal)
    About: If you haven't heard of this band, that is not a typo at the top. All their songs are titled like this and I feel it surprisingly adds to the immersion it gives you. It makes you think of ye olde times. But what am I ranting on about why havent you clicked download yet?!?! :P Oh and, happy band picture is happy.

    Year: See year tag on bottom.

    Story Live at Helix

    My short story "Prometheus Rebound" is now live at Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, issue #10.

    This is the first and so far only story I've written that grew out of a visual pun. Back in the 70s I took a very cool college elective course called "Exploring Art in New York," which included a visit to the Whitney Museum of American Art. There, likely at its 1977 Biennial Exhibition, I saw a display of props (as it were) from Chris Burden's "Transfixed."

    From George Dvorsky's blog Sentient Developments:

    "In 1974 Burden performed Transfixed in which his body was stretched along the roof of a Volkswagen Bug while a friend drove spikes through his hands nailing him to the car. The vehicle was then driven out into the street where it obstructed traffic. Aside from the strange religious connotations of this piece, the point of Transfixed might have been merely to shock and disturb."

    As I recall, the Whitney exhibit included photographs and the spikes. Other mutilation episodes marked Burden's performance art.

    When I set out last year to write a story using mythic elements, the image of "Transfixed" popped into my head in conjunction with the punishment meted out to Prometheus of having his liver consumed daily by an eagle. I thought: If Prometheus were present in today's world, that cycle of torture and rejuvenation would be right at home in a place like the Whitney. Says Citysearch, "The Whitney Biennial is the highest-profile contemporary art showcase in the country--and a reliable source of controversy." In 2000 a firestorm arose over its exhibit of Hans Haacke’s installation piece, "Sanitation," to the point where two members of the Whitney family threatened to disinherit the museum. More on that is in this article (.pdf file) over at the World Socialist Web Site.

    But a visual pun does not a story make, which meant I had to go lookin' for trouble. That's when I started researching Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, and the weirdness evolved from there.

    Helix is no stranger to controversy, either, for that matter. Issue #10 is the e-zine's final offering.

    Covenant, the first volume in the Deviations Series, is available from Aisling Press, and from AbeBooks, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Territory, Borders,,,, DEAstore,,,,, Powell's Books, and Target. Deviations: Appetite is now available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble. The Deviations page has additional details.

    [end of entry]

    Lunar Aurora - Ars Moriendi (Improved Version / Revised Re-release Version)

    Genre: (Black Metal), (Speed Metal)
    About: The original was recorded in 2001, but a new guitar line was added in 2004. This is a very fast paced black metal album, with interesting melodies and speedy blast beats the entire way through. You will love it.

    Year: 2004
    Download 2004 edition