2009: Year in Review

Hibiscus Outside The Bunker 2
Hibiscus outside Tre Amici at The Bunker.

As in any year, 2009 came with its challenges and rewards. For me and for Mary, those have been ramped up a notch.

Mary has gone through two hospitalizations, the first for major surgery and the second for an intestinal blockage that resolved without surgery. Unresolved health issues remain that carry us into 2010, leaving us with uncertainties on multiple fronts.

The silver lining here is that we are now moving forward in various ways, with the help of medical and social service professionals. I am also thankful for several dear people who know the many details of this particular journey, and who have been there for me when I needed someone to talk to.

Mary's first hospitalization coincided with my learning -- helped by some online digging -- of the demise of Aisling Press and its parent company, Oculus Media. I've written about that unfortunate circumstance here. Mary's health issues also put that circumstance into perspective for me. On the one hand, I've had to move on in the face of some radically-changed publication plans. On the other hand, my intolerance of certain unsavory behaviors increased that much more when accompanied by other curveballs thrown my way.

Faced with the prospect of more caregiving, less travel, and the need to connect with people just as life events were making me more isolated, I made the decision after much soul-searching to release my Deviations series as free e-book downloads. I am immensely thankful to everyone who has downloaded the books, reviewed them, contacted me online, stopped by to say hello at events, and clicked the PayPal button on my website. Thanks to everyone at Oasis, Anticipation, Deep Carnivale, the Florida Writers Association, Necronomicon, and Tre Amici at The Bunker; and to Citrus County Library director Flossie Benton Rogers and staff, both for their unwavering support of local authors and for the library's free WiFi. I remain on dial-up at home, so I truly appreciate having that high-speed option available nearby.

Just as the curveballs were coming in early 2009, the cavalry came to my rescue -- in the form of classmates from both high school and grade school who emerged out of the woodwork, otherwise known as Facebook. Finding almost everyone about whom I'd wondered, "Whatever happened to...?" seems nothing short of miraculous. We all shared a collective voyage of discovery, re-establishing old and very special ties, many of those connections going back to Kindergarten. Our online reunion came just at the time when I needed it most.

Opportunities to connect also came my way in the form of Internet radio, including Mark Eller's Chronicles, Cyrus A. Webb's Conversations LIVE!, and Glenda and Tony Finkelstein's Andromeda Library back in late 2008 (which aired this year). I am also thankful for Ed Patterson and Operation E-Book Drop, and for Books For Soldiers, which have made Deviations available to more potential readers.

Thanks also go to Matthew McClintock at Manybooks, which began carrying Covenant and Appetite in May and Destiny almost a month ago. Roughly two hours before 2010 begins where I am, those volumes have had 794, 757, and 377 downloads from that site, respectively. They've had 103, 96, and 103 downloads from Smashwords in a little over a month. Thanks also to Tony Stanton for carrying the work on obooko.com, to Susan Crealock for linking to my books over at Online Novels, and to other websites that have pointed readers to the series. Back in May I registered my Deviations site at Google Analytics, which tells me I've had 1,078 unique visitors (2,220 pageviews) since then, from 59 countries/territories on all continents but Antarctica. Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by!

I am also grateful for the publication of additional work: "Where Relativity Ends" (poem) in Strange Horizons, "Frightening the Horses" (poem) in Aoife's Kiss, "Neighbors" (poem) in Vampyr Verse, "Derivative Work" (poem) and "Flotsam" (novelette) in Asimov's, creative nonfiction in the "Short Takes" section of New Plains Review, "The Unexpected Answer" in Of Poets and Poetry and then in Harp-Strings Poetry Journal, "Sijo Sequence for Larry" in OPAP, and the article "Social Networking and the Found Poem" in Poets' Forum Magazine. My photographs appear in OPAP, We'Moon 2010, and a now-archived article on the Gardening in South Africa website. In addition, I am thrilled that three publications in which my work appeared have won awards: a Hugo Award for Electric Velocipede, a Bram Stoker Award for Unspeakable Horror: From the Shadows of the Closet (Dark Scribe Press), and an IPPY Silver Medal for Riffing on Strings: Creative Writing Inspired by String Theory (Scriblerus Press). Added to that sweetness, my story "Hermit Crabs" in EV #14 is on the recommended reading list in The Year's Best Science Fiction, 26th Annual Edition.

Forthcoming work includes poems "Lepidoptera in Space" in Star*Line and "Butterfly Woman" in Goblin Fruit, and story "Judgment at Naioth" in the Dybbuk Press anthology She Nailed A Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror.

I plan to release Bloodlines, the fourth Deviations volume, in mid-2010. Thanks to my fellow panelists on "The Business of Books: Fantasy" (Conversations LIVE!), I am learning my way around audiobook production and hope to produce Covenant for upload to Podiobooks some time next year.

My goals for 2010 pretty much repeat those for 2009, with some reordering of priorities. Mainly, I need to concentrate more on my own health, which has been good thus far, knock on wood. There are areas in which I can do better, and on which I've already started. Several times this year I've had to coccoon, which is therapeutic in moderation, but I also need to be careful not to withdraw overly much.

On balance, I feel extraordinarily blessed, at the same time I know that much work lies ahead.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year! Take care and be well, and thanks for being there -- Elissa

2009 Holiday Card
Photo collage of full Moon and Spanish moss.

Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other Journeys

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Cover for Deviations: Covenant, Second Edition Cover for Deviations: AppetiteCover for Deviations: Destiny

Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.)
Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite
Vol. 3, Deviations: Destiny
Free downloads at the Deviations website and on Smashwords.

Go to Manybooks.net to access Covenant, Appetite, and Destiny in even more formats!

Participant, Operation E-Book Drop. (Logo credit: K.A. M'Lady & P.M. Dittman.)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Hurricanes Hope For A Better 2K10

Now is the time of year that we look back and relive all of our accomplishments from the past 12 months (things like yes, I did manage to remember to feed the fish every day and didn't burn down my apartment building while making popcorn from scratch-it can be done people). It's also the time of year that we randomly pick a few things to improve upon for next year (I will not procrastinate anymore and I will stop calling certain players by mean and derogatory nicknames). If you're a member of the Carolina Hurricanes, chances are there is a lot to improve upon (we only have 10 wins after all) and the Hurricane Siren was lucky enough to get a list of those resolutions straight from the guys in red. (Note-these are entirely made up by yours truly.)

Andrew Alberts:
I resolve to continue to fly under the radar in the hopes that people won't hate me as much as they do A.Ward.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 8-no one could ever hate him as much as they do A.Ward, but he may not escape Caniac wrath forever.)

Rod Brind'amour:
I resolve to retire gracefully at the end of the season to spare fans and teammates the awkwardness of my continued presence on the 4th line.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 2-we all know Rod will be carried kicking and screaming from the rink. But there is always the hope and promise of a new year.)

Brett Carson:
I resolve never to return to Albany. It's cold up there and I don't like riding buses.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 6-Corvo's eventual return will make it harder for Carson to stick, but there is always the potential for certain defensemen who shall remain nameless to be struck with the "flu" come gamedays.)

Erik Cole:
I resolve to spend less time hanging with E.Staal and more time shaving/healing.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 3-Binky loves him some E.Staal.)

Joe Corvo:
I resolve to return to the game as soon as possible with a positive attitude and cheerful disposition.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 6-he may heal quickly, but Jose Cuervo is neither positive nor cheerful.)

Matt Cullen:
I resolve to no longer take hot tub trips with my teammates. Or at the very least make sure Tripp doesn't find out about them.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 4-TRIPP KNOWS ALL!)

Patrick Dwyer:
I resolve to practice my “falling with grace” face. Oh and to keep on the lookout for flying hockey players. (Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 8-chances are he’ll be able to avoid Steve Ott for a while, but there’s no guarantee that he is even safe during practice with the A squad out there and all.)

Tim Gleason:
I resolve to continue being fan-freaking-tastic. I also resolve to knock Ovenchicken on his [keister] the next time he acts like a [punk]. (Note-this content has been edited for language.)
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 10. It’s Tim Gleason. Enough said. GLEASON FOR EMPEROR!)

Jussi Jokinen:
I resolve to show those jokers over at Team Finland what they’re missing as I make goalies look foolish night after night.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 9-the Staal-Cullen-Jokinen line is pure money for the Canes right now and Jokinen is a huge part of that. Note-one point was deducted because there is the chance that a spot may open up for the Juice.)

Tom K-something:
I resolve to decisively win a fight before the season ends.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 3-we’ve seen what TKO has to offer in the fight department and well I think the proof is in the pudding…errr video:

Chad LaRose:
I resolve to heal quickly and start earning that ridonkulous amount of money I’ve got coming to me.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 4-almost no one is earning their money this season, ridonkulous amounts or otherwise.)

Manny Legace:
Editors note-Unfortunately, Manny could not be reached for comment as he was far too short to reach the pen.

Joni Pitkanen:
I resolve to stop skating with my tongue sticking out. It’s dangerous and makes me look like Stitch from that Disney movie.

(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 1. It’s his thing. It’s weird and creepy, but it’s his thing.)

Tuomo Ruutu:
I resolve to teach Tripp the proper meaning of sisu or get him to stop saying it altogether.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 5-he’ll try, but we’re talking about Tripp and therefore he may be too late.)

Sergei Samsonov:
I resolve to no longer stickhandle for an eon before either shooting it into the goalie's logo or passing it to a teammate who’s long since fallen asleep from boredom.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale from 1 to 10: 2.5-he didn’t get the nickname “Happy Hands” because of his proficiency in the time honored art of jazz hands and spirit fingers.)

Eric Staal:
I resolve to no longer pout when a call does not go my way. Instead I will hustle to get back in the play and help my team.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 3-maybe Stevie Y. can beat it out of him during the Olympics, but I’m not holding my breath.)

Brandon Sutter:
I resolve to do nothing but eat over the Olympic break in an effort to gain some weight so that I don’t look like four toothpicks tied in the middle.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 4-he may eat, but he won’t gain any weight.)

Scott Walker:
I resolve to punch Aaron Ward in the other eye in hopes of fixing him.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: in reality, probably a 1, but in terms of desire it’s at least a 100.)

Niclas Wallin:
I resolve to relish in the fact that I am no longer the scapegoat when things go wrong on defense. Woo hoo!
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 9-with A.Ward on the team, Wallin’s naysayers have found a new target and rightfully so. But what happens if we manage to dump A.Ward?)

Cam Ward:
I resolve to continue my career year in terms of points-3 assists and counting.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 7-with 3 points in 24 games played, he’s already doing better than the big Swede and Yelle.)

Aaron Ward:
I resolve to no longer take a penalty in the defensive zone then stop playing once I've been caught for it allowing the opposing team to have a top notch scoring chance.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: -17 which oddly enough is his actual +/-. Huh. Go figure.)

Ray Whitney:
I resolve to be slightly less of a media tramp and play hard to get during interviews.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 0-I think Ray Whitney may actually translate into “seeks attention” in other languages.)

Stephane Yelle:
I resolve to infuse youth and speed into the fourth line.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 7-Yelle’s 34 years on this planet make him the youngest member of the Geritol line, but no amount of infusing is going to help that bunch regain their stride.)

Paul Maurice:
I resolve to have my ties match my team’s play.
(Chances of actually accomplishing this on a scale of 1 to 10: 9-Mo’s ties are ugly and on most nights so is the hockey being played over at Edwards Mill Road.)

Happy New Year Caniacs! Let's hope 2010 is kinder to our boys!

A Very Special Christmas 1,2,3,4,5 (Compilations 1987-2001) (CORRECT ID3 TAGS!)

Genre: Rock, Pop, Christmas
About: Hope you all had a great Christmas! (Or whatever holiday you may celebrate) This is a really good compilation of Christmas songs that I just found thanks to a song I wanted from Die Hard (1988). The song was "Christmas in Hollis" by Run-DMC. No worries, this is the only rap artist in the entire series. Most of it is classic rock, such as Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Eric Clapton, Pointer Sisters, Extreme... Then there are also more recent artists such as Smashing Pumpkins, No Doubt, Eve 6, Dido, Sheryl Crow, etc. Highly recommended by me!

(I have a problem with terrible, incorrect tags. Get these compilations anywhere else and you will likely be listening to the song "O Christmas Tree - Aretha Fra" by the artist "Christmas" with no track numbers so you do not know the order of the tracks on an album. You have to purposely enter in that incorrect stuff to mess it up that badly. What is wrong with people?? Ugh! Anyway...)

Full Track lists, and Buy on Amazon if you like what you hear!
(~8 dollars per CD... perhaps buy them for gifts for your relatives for next Christmas! :D)

Mediafire Download - part 1
Mediafire Download - part 2
Mediafire Download - part 3

EQXClusives (25 Years 1984-2009) (Live alternative/indie rock compilation)


Genre: Alternative/Indie Rock
About: This is a compilation by a local radio station, 102.7 WEQX, released for free (at local bars) for a 25th anniversary. I don't even like indie rock in general, but I like these. Some are local bands, some are international phenomenons. The latter includes (ones i have heard of before) Bell X1, Ludo, They Might Be Giants, OK Go, World Party, Metric, Eric Hutchinson, etc. They are live, but most of them have no audience sounds and are recorded so well they sound like studio. I actually saw track 19 performed live back in September, also for free. Free stuff is nice. So here you go! :D

(Apologies, I think there's something wrong with my particular CD... about 2:45 in track 18, the ripping slowed to a crawl there, and the actual ripped audio file has a very small skip. I may try again using the EAC program in the future but I doubt it'd be any better. Just another reason I do not like CDs...)

Mediafire Download - part 1
Mediafire Download - part 2

Austere (Aus) - Bleak... (Austere/Isolation Split)

Genre: Depressive Suicidal Black Metal
About: Austere has a fairly driving beat, and high pitched screams, and Isolation has a similar beat but lower, calmer vocals, and also has some acoustic parts. It is a 6 song album, but each song averages about 10 minutes, so it is an hour of screaming DSBM glory.

Austere (Aus)
1. When Even Tomorrow Looks Away 13:52
2. Instrumental 01:52
3. There's Nothing Left 13:36
Isolation (Deu)
4. From Nowhere... 05:45
5. Mosaic 16:08
6. ...To Nowhere 08:23
Total playing time 59:36

Mediafire Download - part 1
Mediafire Download - part 2

Austere (Aus) - Only the Wind Remembers / Ending the Circle of Life (2008) (Austere/Lyrinx Split)

Genre: Depressive-Suicidal Black Metal
About: The original split was a tape, but both bands re-released their parts of this split as EP's in 2009 on CD, and thats what these files are from. Austere has a fairly driving beat, and high pitched screams, whereas Lyrinx has a bit mellower, slower beat (almost doom metal-like at parts) with rougher screams. It is a 4 song album, but each song averages about 15 minutes, so it is an hour of screaming DSBM glory.

Austere (Aus)
1. Towards the Great Unknown 11:34
2. Only the Wind Remembers 13:24
3. No Failure in Suicide 16:15
4. Isolation 18:42
Total playing time 59:55

Mediafire Download - part 1
Mediafire Download - part 2

Coming to Tre Amici at The Bunker

Flyer for Tre Amici at The Bunker
Large view

On December 22, I'll join K.L. Nappier for a joint book-signing appearance at Tre Amici at The Bunker, Coffee and Wine Bar. (You can see the flyer's background photo in full here.)

Newly-added to the books I'll have with me is Vampyr Verse, out from Popcorn Press, with my poem "Neighbors."

Vampyr Verse

I've also received an acceptance to Goblin Fruit for my poem "Butterfly Woman."

Covenant has passed the 700-download mark on Manybooks.net. Thanks to all the readers who have downloaded from there, Smashwords, my website, and elsewhere! Thanks also to Ellen Pekar at Books for Soldiers for making the series available to troops "who are in remote areas with very little access to the internet and have requested some e-books to read on their PCs."

I am also exploring the audiobooks option for the series.

When I was part of a Conversations LIVE! author panel back in October, I was the only one not on Podiobooks. From the discussion we had, it seemed to me a good way to further distribute my material.

Podiobooks recommends that all of a book's 20-40 minute episodes be recorded ahead of time, so I've set out to do that and am currently negotiating various learning curves. I've been quizzing the very helpful folks over at the Podiobooks mentor center. If all goes well, I hope to start releasing Covenant as an audiobook some time next year.

Home Recording Studio Composite, Captioned
Large view

This is my studio set-up. About 15 years ago I composed music (you can hear some of it here) using my electronic keyboard and Proteus/2-Orchestral sound sampler with an ancient (black-and-white screen), now dead Mac and a program called EZ Vision. I'm thrilled that I again have equipment that lets me take advantage of my sound sampler. I took a break from voice recording to doodle with music a bit:

Hosted by eSnips

I laid down the first track in Timba Mallet to get the rhythm, then overlaid Shimmer Ways. The melody is in Whistlin' Joe. Finally, I added Phaedra to the second half of the piece.

In the meantime, I've come across a species of moth I hadn't seen before.

Female Black Witch

Black Witch, Ascalapha odorata, Family Erebidae. Other common names include La Sorcière Noire (French), Mariposa de la Muerte (Spanish), Mah-Ha-Na (Mayan for "May I borrow your house?"), Money Moths or Moneybats (in the Bahamas), and Micpapalotl (in Mexico). Thanks to Cody R. Hough for the ID.

With a wingspan of up to 7 inches, the Black Witch is sometimes mistaken for a bat, according to this site, which explores the species' natural and cultural history.

According to Bugguide, the Black Witch is the only species in its genus in North America listed at All-Leps, and it is the largest of the North American owlet (Noctuoidea) moths. It ranges through South and Central America, straying far north in the United States and southern Canada, and is established in Hawaii. The light band indicates this individual is a female.

I found this poor, beat-up moth high up on our post office wall at around 5 PM several days ago. I estimate its wingspan at about six inches. We'd had some very windy days -- I don't know if its tattered condition resulted from the weather, predators, or just plain hard luck. Very few U.S. records of this species occur in December, so it may well be living on borrowed time.

Cover for Deviations: Covenant, Second Edition Cover for Deviations: AppetiteCover for Deviations: Destiny

Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.)
Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite
Vol. 3, Deviations: Destiny
Free downloads at the Deviations website and on Smashwords.

Go to Manybooks.net to access Covenant, Appetite, and Destiny in even more formats!

Participant, Operation E-Book Drop. (Logo credit: K.A. M'Lady & P.M. Dittman.)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

The 12 Days of Caniac Christmas

What says holiday cheer better than sub-.500 hockey?! Oh I know! Satirical Christmas carols filled with bitterness and disappointment. Happy holidays Caniacs and remember the draft is only 195 days away!

Ahem. Sound of pitch pipe in background.

On the first day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me a netminder named Manny

On the second day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the third day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me three fabulous Finns, two freak injures and a netminder named Manny

On the fourth day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injures and a netminder named Manny

On the fifth day of Christmas, my hurricanes sent to me five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the sixth day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the seventh day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me seven Olympic tryouts, six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the eighth day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me eight expiring contracts, seven Olympic tryouts, six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the ninth day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me nine nets a’gaping, eight expiring contracts, seven Olympic tryouts, six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the tenth day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me ten bucks for parking, nine nets a’gaping, eight expiring contracts, seven Olympic tryouts, six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me eleven limping players, ten bucks for parking, nine nets a’gaping, eight expiring contracts, seven Olympic tryouts, six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Hurricanes sent to me twelve points from Sutter, eleven limping players, ten bucks for parking, nine nets a’gaping, eight expiring contracts, seven Olympic tryouts, six overtime losses, five goals against, four goals from E.Staal, three fabulous Finns, two freak injuries and a netminder named Manny

HeimatAerde - Dark Dance (2009)

Genre: Electronic Body Music, Industrial, Dark Electro
About: The wait is over! HeimatAerde's new EP released today, which is supposedly a preview of the new album (Unwesen, due in March), continuing the progression of his sound which is a combination of these three genres and also medieval music.

There are three versions of the title track. Track 3 is a cover of the christmas song "Come Come Emmanuel". The other songs are solid as well. Especially "Heimataerde" live, his first officially released live track. Since I cannot go to shows since I do not live in Germany, this is great.

Also, if you like this, click the HeimatAerde tag at the bottom of this post, I have all full length and non-full length albums here.

Mediafire Download

Alcest - Alcest / Les Discrets Split (2009)


Les Discrets:

Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal, Post-Rock, Shoegaze
About: I have been eagerly awaiting this for two months now, and oh man, it was worth the wait. The first track "Percées De Lumière" marks Alcest's first new material in over two years. Whereas the previous album is more commonly classified as "shoegaze", this song makes a bit of a return back to the black metal roots, with heavier riffs and black screams. Track 2 is a mostly ambient song with some clean vocals, but it serves as a decent interlude between the two artist's songs.

Now where I was really surprised was the first "Les Discrets" track. I had listened on myspace, and thought it was ok, but this track grabbed me and bitchslapped me in the face. Surprisingly heavy, great atmosphere. Track 4 was not as memorable, and i felt the 2 minutes of silence at the end was completely unnecessary. But then Les Discrets redeems themselves with Song For Mountains. It is supposedly a demo, but it sounds pretty finished to me.

Mediafire Download

Silencer - Death - Pierce Me (2001)

Genre: Depressive Suicidal Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal
About: My god. How have i not heard about this before. After a 2 minute acoustic intro, you are slammed with a wall of sound and screeching vocals that only someone posessed by the devil himself could pull off. Hence... He went to an institution for about 5 years after this album. But this is a masterpiece of depressive black metal and any fan (or non-fan) should hear it.

He now is out of the institution, and had a project called "Diagnose: Lebensgefahr" in 2007 which I will upload soon if it's any good.

Mediafire Download

Far Beyond - Songs Of Hope And Sorrow (2009)

Genre: Black Metal (with clean vocals this time)
About: A long awaited comeback EP (well, not for me because I just found out about them yesterday, and the album was already out :D ) from this amazing one man band. At first listen, it seems a bit underwhelming compared to their previous album. But he is supposed to release another full length before Summer 2010, so I will be anxiously awaiting that.

Mediafire Download

Far Beyond - An Angel's Requiem (2005)

Genre: Melodic Black Metal, Speed Metal(ish)
About: Incredibly, this is a one man band. Yet it has one of the most full-sounding black metal atmospheres I have ever heard. And the melodies are simply amazing. I can't describe this properly in words, just download it.

Mediafire Download

Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes (2009)

Genre: Melodic Depressive Suicidal Black Metal with Emo infuences (not kidding...)
About: Another great album, but they must be getting bored with Black Metal because towards the 2/3 mark of this album, they switch to emo vocals. Which is... interesting... But you can come to your own judgement.

Mediafire Download