Failed Expectations

You remember that, back during the Health Care "debate" the House GOP invited President Obama round to their retreat up in Baltimore? I guess they expected something different to happen, because they're now saying the President ambushed them.

"“The Baltimore thing was unbelievable.” It was so bad, that they had to call a do-over in the Blair House, and have now moved their first post-election summit from November until after Thanksgiving.

I guess they have to stay behind closed doors to get their story straight. It sucks to look like a dumbass in front of cameras to a national audience.

And if they need the time to organize their caucus correctly, and said so, that'd be one thing. But it hasn't escaped notice that they're saying something completely different.

Last time, the President ambushed them by being invited to their meeting, showing up and making them look un-prepared. In other words the President had a plan, he tried, and was ready to answer questions. Because that's what you do when you show up to meetings with other folks.

Except for the GOTP. I guess they just expected the OMG TEH EBIL SOCIALIZMS! they'd been telling each other about for years, and thought the President wouldn't really be able to speak without a teleprompter.

I guess the GOTP theme for the next two years really is "ITSATRAP!"
