Unbelievable Political Calculus


When it comes to extending the Bush subsidization of the uberwealthy, the Democrats were toast. The D position since 2006 was to try and salvage the middle class cuts, while detatching them from the uberwealthy, deficit building cuts that haven't done one thing to create jobs (as promised by Bush and the GOP).

Becasue Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid don't own calendars or listen to nationwide polling, getting a deal done on this before the election was out of the question. Then the GOP won in November, and would be routing the Dems from the House of Representatives. All the momentum was in favor of the GOP, the Dems had one choice: extend the tax percentages or raise taxes on every American. Again, toast.

Basically, the Dems now had to give the GOP what they wanted, or become politically responsible for increasing everyone's taxes. While they're often accused of raising taxes even when they don't, this time would be the real deal. (Of course, not a single elected Democratic official ever seems to realize that they'll be getting blamed for taxes whether they've raised them or not.)

Some Democrats want to fight the GOP over this no-job-creatin', deficit exploding, subsidization of the uberwealthy. They want this even now, after their inability to win an argument against fantasy-land Republicans. But President Obama steps in, chides these Democrats of his own party, and comes up with an unbelievable compromise with the GOP. They get to keep this failed tax structure, and the Democrats get a few things like unemployment extended. That's more than these Democrats reasonably had any right to expect.

Even though, by extending this tax structure, they'll still be responsible for raising taxes. Because they always are.

No one will credit Obama for negotiating this solution. To the left, this is a cave to the right. To the right, he is the same socialist, Islamic, Kenyan anti-colonialist he was before, and he's only doing this becasue he fears Boehners made of orange. Most GOTP folks know this, and were celebrating their political victory. They got the tax structure they wanted, before they even got control of Congress, and they'll take all the credit for stopping the march of communist homosexuality that all Kenyan anti-colonialists really want (according to lunatics on talk radio). The Democrats and anyone to the left of reasonable just has to sit here and take it.

But that's not how it really is going to happen.

Instead, the ultra-right-wing, despite getting everything it wants out of this legislation, ISN'T GOING TO VOTE FOR IT.

This is not some political victory that Obama orchestrated, as some might think. Without a Democratic Party effectively speaking to the people of this nation and explaining what is going on, the GOTP is free to demonize Obama without the contraints of reality, make Democrats accept and vote for demonstrably failed Republican tax structures and economic policies, AND NOT VOTE FOR THEIR OWN LEGISLATIVE POLICIES.

Meaning the "Bush Tax Cuts" are now "Obama's Failed Subsidization of the Uber Wealthy."

And if the Dems somehow come to their senses, and get enough votes against this compromise, they will be responsible for raising taxes on every American.

I'm getting awful tired of being put in lose-lose situations becasue Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid don't own calendars, and President Obama continues trying to negotiate with individuals who want nothing more than to see him destroyed.
