Republican Response Notes

I have my notes on the Republican response. I know it's a shorter speech, but I was surprised by the complete absence of foreign policy. I also think Ryan missed an opportunity to use current events in the UK to take shots at Obamacare (which isn't really a fair comparison but would likely have enough traction to stick). I felt like I was reading a remake of 1994.

-Good, tell us who you are because for the most part we really don't know.
-Leads with obligatory shooting,
-Goes to spending. Likes what Obama is saying there.
-Cut spending. You know... for kids.
-Slams Obama spending and ties stimulus to unemployment.
-Mixing fiscal responsibility and slams health care law for about a page.
-New vision. Forward not backwards. Always be twirling...
-Limited governement good
-Smaller gov't = effective gov't
-Regarding government spending growth: Act now. Supplies running out.
-Europe already in trouble and raising taxes and cutting benefits (This is largely untrue. The UK, Ireland and Greece are making up budget shortfalls larely by cutting spending which is only partially tied to benefits.)
-Washington and Wall St caused current financial mess
-Limited gov't good (in case you forgot from earlier)