State of the Union Notes

I don't actually listen to State of the Union addresses but I do read the transcript. Here are my notes:

-Congratulates new Congress
-Obligatory shooting tragedy mention
-Recites plot synopsis of the 1986 Michael Keaton film Gung Ho
-Obligatory Kennedy quote (Robert, not John F)
-Using a space race comparison, Obama champions his budget which savagely defunds NASA
-Reinventing ourselves through renewable energy for approximately 10 paragraphs
-Education segue to Race to the Top plug
-Repsect teachers
-Make tuition loan subsidies permanent
-Makes hazy point about educating illegals. (If the problem is that we're sending them back after they get their degrees, then why not just send them back before they get them?)
-We should take on illegal immigration but not clear on how
-Infrastructure sucks
-High speed rail good
-High speed wireless internet good
-Simplify tax code
-Willing to work with anyone on altering new health care legislation as long as it doesn't involve any acutal compromise
-Cut spending
-Richest 2% rambling
-Make gov't spending info accessible
-troops troops troops troops troops
-Chilean miners rescued by American
-State of Union is strong

Overall, not too shabby once you get past the Gung Ho bit, but I'm still very upset that the President who is killing our mission back to the moon (and by extension any hope we have of reaching Mars) dares mention the space race. The Russians are running live Mars simulations as we speak.