GOP Infrastructure

Let me get this straight:

The Port of Savannah needs $500 Million over the next few years to become a deeper, 'supermax' capable port facility. This is so it can better compete with ports in Florida and South Carolina.

This money needs to come from Washington, DC.

The GOP in control of the House of Representatives has forsworn "earmarks," which is one way to get this done. Instead, they will depend on the President's Budget to fund the expansion.

Every GOP official ran political marketing that stated the Federal government spent too much money and that President Obama is a profligate spender of taxpayer dollars. We're "leaving debt to our great-grandchildren" or whatever.

The President releases his budget today, that the GOP calls cowardly and too expensive. We don't have enough money for winmills and trains.

The Georgia GOP is upset, however, that the President's cowardly, too-expensive budget doesn't get them enough money.

So in this budget, Obama is spending too much money and not spending enough money.
