Hittin' the Slopes

The slippery slopes.

Under the last administration, torture was justified because it was only being used on "enemy combatants," those individuals shoehorned in between the legal definitions of "criminals" who would require a trial prior to punishment and "prisoners of war" who could be held until the end of hostilities but only in humane conditions.

And folks let it slide down that slippery slope because they were mostly brown people of a supposedly scary religion who were perceived if not proven to have taken up arms against America. Even if a few of them were citizens of the US or western nations generally considered to be part of the "civilized world."

While critics argued that it would only be a matter of time before more US citizens were subjected to such punishments forbidden by Constitution and treaty, those critics were laughed at and called a bunch of negative nancies, worrying a little too much about the slippery slope we find ourselves on.

I wonder what excuse they will sell us now that we must face the Manning situation. And before you jump up and down about what is and isn't known about the case just yet, tell me just who has credibility in this situation. Then begin to understand the deeper reasons we're supposed to do things better and cleaner than the other guy.

Above reproach is about where I would like our nation to be. It is a shame so many celebrate in our not living up to that standard.

I thought even those individuals accused of treason were afforded due process in this country. I thought even those individuals facing charges which carry the death penalty remain protected from "cruel and unusual" punishment. Especially before a verdict has even been delivered.

Can someone tell me where Constitutional protections end this week? The goalposts seem to be moving.
