Of Heritage & Concrete

One thing I never got about the "Heritage Not Hate" line of thought regarding the Civil War South is how so many of the staunchest supporters of "heritage" done sold the family farm off to some hot shot real estate developer who bulldozed the trees, graded away the creeks, and laid concrete over the red clay with singular disregard for the bones of warriors long forgotten.

That's why so much of the South ain't got no sense of place no more, it is just one long strip mall connecting ranch-style houses with the local movie theater.

Pictures are worth a 1,000 words, but these pictures are worth far more than that.

I don't got to say much. All I got to do is remind folks that it didn't take Sherman "burning" Atlanta or torching Columbia, or Grant chewing up the approaches to Nashville and Richmond. We'd have paved over a fair bit of the good stuff ourselves, left to our own devices. That's one thing the last 150 years have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.
