This one isn't the tax man's fault...

A solar farm in Charleston Township, Michigan is claiming they're losing money because of property taxes. FTA:
The property tax issue has been the one surprise in the whole solar farm venture, according to Field, “It never crossed my mind that the property taxes would become a significant obstacle to our success. I thought it was all kinds of other things. We didn’t know whether our design was going to work or whether the location was a good location or so many things,” [Sam Field, part owner of solar farm] said.


No, you're not losing money because of property taxes. You're losing money because you're an idiot. Are you telling me that nobody in that solar farm project ever thought, "Hey, we have to pay property taxes on the land we're using to run our business." It took me all of 3 minutes to find the tax assessor's page for Charleston Township. They could've easily looked up property tax info before starting their business.

Also FTA:
“On a level playing field, I’m convinced more than ever that solar is going to prevail and carry the day,” [Field] said.

You have a level playing field. Your company pays taxes just like everyone else.