Moonrise on Phosphorescent Island

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I am officially having way too much fun....

This isn't the first time I've played with digital collage, but it's the first time I've concentrated on using only my own photographs. My tools are mainly programs that came already bundled into my computer when I bought it: Microsoft Photo Editor and Paint 5.0. Other programs used here are MS PowerPoint 2002 and the software from my Argus DC1500 camera -- though I use the Argus software pretty much only for downloading.

The island, pond, and sky are the photo I posted here, only color-reversed. The snowflake-like forms are manipulations of the palm frond from the entry preceding this one. "Queenie," an unsigned, handmade mug that had been my mother's, provided the face.

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This one just used the originally-colored sky from the above photo background and the manipulated frond.