Fossil Fuel


After having been called on account of rain back in November, my shift in the Florida Museum of Natural History's "Tapir Challenge" (mentioned in this entry looks like a Go for tomorrow. I'll be getting to bed early and hope to get a good night's sleep before I'm on the road early to the dig site about 60 miles from home. FLMNH will provide water but I'll be taking my own as well, along with Power Bars and my broad-brimmed hat. Photography is encouraged, so I hope to have some good shots to post!

Following are more pictures from "DePhoMo," a one-photo-per-day activity for December on Open Diary:....

Window Gazing: Unfinished

I'm a mediocre painter at best, but every so often I try my hand at it. On the left is one of my favorite pictures of Red. It's an undated photo, but I would guess I took it around 1999 or 2000 (with film, later scanned in). The location is our kitchen in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

On the right is an unfinished acrylic on canvasboard that I probably started shortly after the photo was developed. I haven't yet gotten back to it after the first day of painting, but in case I ever get the urge it's here waiting for me.

Recently we successfully treated Red with antibiotics to lower abnormal liver readings, but at 14 years of age he also suffers from arthritis in his rear legs. We've put him on glucosamine/chondroitin. Mary's also set up makeshift steps to help him reach the couch, the bed, and other comfy places, and has constructed warm cat caves at floor level.

Fisherman Mug

I bought this mug on a visit to Maine in the early 90s. It's a cousin to one of my "first loves."

I was a toddler when I saw a blue fisherman's head mug. It sat high on the shelf in a relative's apartment. The other item I remember from that visit was a glass-topped table, because I was tall enough to look through it and see my shoes.

But I fell in love with the fisherman.

I saw this yellow one in a shop window and told my mug story to a friend traveling with me. "You've got to get it," he said.

Oil and Vinegar in a Wooden Bowl

Oil and vinegar in a wooden bowl, left over from my salad, catch the light of a nearby lamp. More detail is in the large view.