In Honor of IPSTD

Thanks to Lisa Mantchev for alerting me to International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day.

According to its originator and host Jo Walton ("Bluejo"), IPSTD is, "the day when pixel-stained technopeasants everywhere are stretching and smiling and putting down their technotools to celebrate their existence by releasing their works into the wild, or at least the web."

Bluejo hosts IPSTD over here. Since I already have a couple of stories up on my webpage, I added my link to the growing list.

My sampler (found here) contains two of my 1980s publications. "Cog" (second one down, but I list it first here because IPSTD focuses mainly on science fiction and fantasy) appeared in Tales of the Unanticipated, Fall/Winter 1988. "Variations for Four Hands" appeared in the erotica journal Yellow Silk, No. 14, Spring 1985.

In other news, my "Journal Series" post on Flickr has been chosen to appear on, founded by Armand B. Frasco. His blog description opens with, "We all share a pleasant affliction - the urge to create on paper."

The original Flickr post also contains my answer to the comment/question: "How long does it usually take for you to complete a notebook?" That led me to do some number crunching, which illustrated the effect my blogging has on my longhand journal (and vice-versa).

Sometimes my journal material makes it (with some edits) into publication, such as, "January 1985: A Day in Lawrence, Massachusetts," now in Issue 60 of Reed. Or it becomes a performance piece, as was the case on April 6 at the Woodview Coffeehouse.

And I send way-overdue thanks to Colleen over at Loose Leaf Notes for giving me a Thinking Blogger Award in her April 6 entry.

"Those who have been awarded are asked to name five others to pass the 'thinking blogger' torch on to," presents me with the challenge of narrowing down to five a goodly number of blogs I have enjoyed. Given more time and a faster computer connection, I'd be reading more than I already am. Even so, this'll be a tough choice. Stay tuned.

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