Pictorial Catch-Up

Sachem 2
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Sachem feeding on lantana outside the library at around 1:15 PM on August 3. Thanks to Paul Kinslow at Bugguide.Net for the ID.

Atalopedes campestris, Family Hesperiidae (Skippers). According to Bugguide, this species is "resident in southeastern United States, and extreme southwest, Mexico. Fall migrant northward into great plains, along west coast, rarely reaching southern Canada."

I've drafted another article for Poets' Forum Magazine, submitted three poems (the maximum) to the Science Fiction Poetry Association's Sonnet contest, and have not yet melted after three weeks with no A/C (we're hoping to remedy that soon)....

Sachem 1
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The Sachem joined the Yellow-banded Wasp Moth shown in this entry, and a Gulf Fritillary.

Gulf Fritillary 1
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Agraulis vanillae, Family Nymphalidae (Brushfooted Butterflies), Subfamily Heliconiinae (Heliconians and Fritillaries). This species frequents the south but occasionally strays northward according to Bugguide.Net, which adds, "Larvae feed on various species of Passion Flower (Passiflora)."

Gulf Fritillary 2
Large view

At around 10 PM on July 24, Mary and I came across this little buddy:

Tree Frog

Large view

My guess is that it's a green treefrog (Hyla cinerea). Mary, who literally helps worms across the street, spent some time chasing the frog down so that she could escort it off the strip mall walkway and onto a vegetation island. She really wanted to take it to a nearby retention pond whose frogs were already concertizing in fine voice, but she learned quickly that a frog, once captured in one's hands, can swiftly wriggle free and tearass down the promenade.

Pawpaw Sphinx Moth, Top View
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Pawpaw Sphinx Moth, Dolba hyloeus, Family Sphingidae (Sphinx or Hawk Moths). According to Bugguide, the Pawpaw ranges throughout Eastern North America and is more common in the south. Its season is June-September. Along with hollies, blueberries, and sweetfern, the pawpaw is one of the plants on which the larvae of this moth feed.

Renovation 7, 26 July 2007

We passed into the drywall phase of Art Center renovations, and I've heard that interior painting has now begun. This photoset has the whole gaggle of shots I've posted from the beginning of the process.

Stage Clean-Up

The Art Center Theatre's run of The Music Man has ended, and preparations for the 2007-2008 season are now underway.

Back on a stormy July 31 night, Mary found this Wolf spider shopping for food in our living room and got me out of bed at around 5:30 AM to photograph it.

Lycosidae, Series 2
Large view

Family Lycosidae. I'm not sure of the species. We freed it in the garage, where I took these shots.

Lycosidae, Series 1

Mary had captured our guest in a pint container. That's her hand for size comparison. If you go to the large view and scroll to the right and down, you can make out its eight eyes in three rows: two rows of two large eyes, and one row of four much smaller eyes just above the fangs.

At the time I took these shots I was working on an article on bug photography for The Link, where I tell of how I ooh and aah over critters like this.