The Week In Publications

Visual Pun
A Covenant Transport truck stood across the county road from the post office where I pick up my mail. A flatbed was parked not far from the truck. Naturally, I had to cross the county road and set up this shot.

That's a lot of books. :-)

This past week (for the most part) has seen:

  • One story acceptance

  • Two contracts received

  • Cover art published

  • Poem published

  • Cover photo solicited (this actually happened about two weeks ago)

  • Radio spot arranged

  • Details follow....

    1. Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly

    My story "Prometheus Rebound" has been accepted to Helix. I'll post the story URL when it's live.

    Seven stories published by Helix received honorable mentions in the 2006 Year's Best Science Fiction collection and four of its poems were nominated for the Rhysling Award (for the best speculative poetry of the year), of which one received third place. Five stories made the "Notable Short Stories of 2006" list put out by storySouth, and Helix received an honorable mention in storySouth's Million Writers Award for best new online magazine of 2006. (Among other accomplishments, storySouth is listed as a "Contributing Small Press" for the Pushcart Prize, the most honored literary project in America.) Click here to read about more accomplishments at Helix.

    As of this date, "Prometheus Rebound" joins three other stories I have forthcoming. "Identity Theft" will appear in The Drabbler #10 (Sam's Dot Publishing), "Hermit Crabs" will appear in Electric Velocipede #14, and "Arachne" will appear in Riffing on Strings: Creative Writing Inspired by String Theory (Scriblerus Press). "Arachne" originally appeared in the November/December 1988 issue of Aboriginal Science Fiction.

    2. Contracts received from Helix and from Aisling Press

    And on the same day, no less! Deviations: Appetite, the second volume in my series, is now forthcoming from Aisling. Stay tuned for updates.

    3. and 4. Star*Line

    Star*Line 30(6) contains my cover art and my cinquain sequence, "Evolution."

    5. Poets' Forum Magazine

    PFM has solicited this shot to appear on the cover of a future issue. I photographed this statue during the grand opening of the Homosassa Public Library.

    6. The Jordan Rich Show

    I was a guest on Jordan's show in October 2002, and we spent a great hour talking about science fiction with each other and with listeners who called in. Afterwards, he invited me back when I had a book published. The show broadcasts nationwide out of WBZ Newsradio 1030 Boston and is also accessible on the Web.

    Jordan's show on Saturday, February 2, 2008, will focus on fiction authors. The show runs from midnight to 5 AM Eastern time. We plan to do an interview by phone around 12:30, and will firm up details as we get closer to the air date.

    And while I'm shooting the Moon here...

    Waxing Crescent Moon
    Large view

    I took this and the next shot back on December 13, when the Moon was 17% of full. (We'll have a full moon on December 24 at 1:15 AM GMT.) The photo on the left, showing Earthshine, was taken at 6:13 p.m. ET using a 4-second exposure at f/5.6. The photo on the right was taken at 6:19 p.m. ET using a 1/60-second exposure at f/6.3.

    While I was out on the driveway taking those shots, I noticed the holiday lights down the block, so took a picture of those, too. This shows the lights from two houses.

    Lights Down the Block
    Large view

    May you all have a wonderful Solstice! (Solstice occurs today at 6:08 AM GMT.)

    Covenant, the first volume in the Deviations Series, is available from Aisling Press, and from AbeBooks, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Territory, Borders,,,, Powell's Books, and Target. The Deviations page has additional details.