Story Acceptance & Publicity

My story "Judgment at Naioth" has been accepted to the Dybbuk Press anthology She Nailed a Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror. (The anthology title refers to the incident in Judges 4:21.) My story does some Midrash on much of 2 Samuel.

Editor Tim Lieder's call for submissions inspired me to write the piece. And I learned a new word from his specs: Chiastic (Kiastic), the varieties of which are defined here.

Thanks to Julianne Draper, who profiled me here. Julianne blogs for the Miami Examiner's online Tampa edition.

A second publication in which my work has appeared is up for an award. In addition to Unspeakable Horror being on the final Bram Stoker Award ballot, the magazine Electric Velocipede (which published my story "Hermit Crabs" last year in #14) is on the ballot for a Hugo Award.

The interview that hosts Glenda and Tony Finkelstein did with me last October at Necronomicon is now airing on the Internet radio show The Andromeda Library, which broadcasts daily from 4-6 a.m. and p.m. Eastern Time on Ad Astra Radio. Here's the line-up for the show.

Monday's walk revealed some cute prickly pear bubbelas.

Prickly Pear Baby

Prickly Pear Babies

These grow along a use trail to the side of our county road.

Cover for Deviations: Covenant, Second Edition Covenant, the first volume in the Deviations Series, is now available as a free download from the Deviations website. Click on the downloads link to access a variety of formats (second edition, ISBN 978-0-9819764-0-2).

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