Finding The Tweet Spot

Turkey Vulture 16
One of the neighborhood turkey vultures (a.k.a Florida Buzzard) snacks on squirrel du jour in April 2006.

I became a Twit (twitterer, whatever) in early May and immediately started using Twitter as a kind of clippings service. I liked the idea of sorting through headlines from sources in which my interests lay and being able to click on article links if I wanted to read further. Only later did Twitter's social networking aspect start to come into play for me, and I'm still low-key as far as that is concerned (you can find me here). Facebook has become my main social networking hangout (over here), not least because I reconnected with a great group of former classmates who go back as far as Kindergarten. I've been having a blast on Memory Lane. (*waves*)

Thanks to Twitter, I have also been following Josh Shahryar's The Green Brief, which reports on current events in Iran. (His introduction reads, "This report has been compiled through reports by twitter users in Iran and aboard, as well as contacts inside and outside Iran. Media outlets have been credit[ed] where used. As reports coming from Iran cannot be fully authenticated, if the report confirms something, at best it confirms that several reliable twitter sources agreed upon it. If you want to follow my updates, my twitter account is @Iran_Translator"). Josh has been doing truly Herculean and humanitarian work with this, keeping the world informed regardless of where the mainstream media's attention has turned.

My tweets mainly provide links that have caught my eye, gathered from various forums or otherwise chanced upon. My average so far is 1.43 posts a day, with the mode being once per day (41 days), but on two days I've gone as high as six tweets. Sometimes I reference blog entries or bits of mundania, and I've also got a few messages in there. Below is a sampling of 30 out of my so-far 112 posts:

July 24
Universities team w/Google, Amazon, to offer public domain books POD. Via Maya Reynolds Also, see

Children's book "Publishometer" from Editorial Anonymous via Nathan Bransford Laugh, cry, do both...

"How To Load Up Your Kindle With Non-Amazon Ebooks" from The Consumerist via Pimp My Novel

July 23
From Editor Unleashed (Maria Schneider): "25 Book Blogs + How to Pitch a Blogger"

LA Times RT @filedby: "European Union to scrutinize Google Books settlement; Congress may hold hearing" -

July 21
Deviations: Covenant is up at the New Covey Cover Awards site for July:

From Science News: The importance of language when talking about evolution.

July 11
Extensive social networking list for writers, courtesy of Ann Wilkes:

July 8
Just joined "Help make the world a library and recycle at the same time..."

July 4
Dept. of Justice gets involved in Google settlement. Link courtesy of Maya Reynolds.

July 3
For everyone who's been told not to play with their food...

July 2
Awesome take on the "show, don't tell" directive.

Changing role of literary agents Link courtesy of Nathan Bransford

June 26
ID'd Reduviidae for Camera Club "Mystery bug" contest, thanks to Bugguide My shot of a R. sp. @

June 25
Awesome illusion reminds me of the Impressionists, who made their images "pop" by using complementary colors.

June 18
The neighborhood birds at dawn

June 15
Posts by Lary Crews on combating writer's block: My fave: "Tell yourself writer's block doesn't exist."

2 gems RT @prempromotions 1. N Bransford's writing database 2. rejection a la Pearls Before Swine

June 11
Awesome revision checklist from Nathan Bransford @ Curtis Brown. Link courtesy of Minnette Meador of Broad Universe.

Graffiti from Pompeii. So many stories, so little time. Link courtesy of Michael Kabongo.

Can/should creative writing be taught? Podcast @, article @ Link from Adam @

June 10
Basho's Frog Haiku: 31 translations + 1 commentary. Link comes courtesy of Jon @

May 19
Registering copyright? Be prepared to wait ... longer.

May 17
"Most of us fake it….These nine kids were guileless. They didn't fake anything."

May 15
Serenaded by a mockingbird atop a utility pole outside the library. Hear it at

May 13
Heavy rain this afternoon. Tonight, southern toads & squirrel treefrogs at a local retention pond. Hear them at

Via EcoGeek: Wind turbines made safe for migrating birds, courtesy of radar from NASA & USAF

May 12
"[U]nique musical score generated by individual human brains" -- I highly recommend listening to the mp3 link.

May 11
Nodding at Kerri's post on self-promotion at the Authors and Books blog. I could use some clones.

May 9
Florida State Poets Assn. has new Web home #poets #poetry #florida

Cover for Deviations: Covenant, Second EditionCover for Deviations: Appetite

Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.)
Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite
Free downloads of both volumes here.

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