
Coastal Lyric Cicada, front view
Large view

I'm pretty sure this is the subspecies Tibicen lyricen virescens, Coastal Lyric Cicada.

I had just gone dancing and stopped at my PO Box around 10 PM to pick up the mail. This cicada was outside the door. It seemed attracted to the light and flew repeatedly up against the glass as I approached, before settling down. The beetle at lower left looks like a shield beetle or stink bug.

Coastal Lyric Cicada, top view
Large view

Bill Reynolds (Curator & Containment Director of the Arthropod Zoo, NC Museum of Natural Sciences) comments here, "This is a very common cicada in much of Central Florida." Reynolds adds that some consider virescens a separate species, but most still consider it a subspecies or geographic form.

Coastal Lyric Cicada, side view

A parasitic wasp seems attached to the rear leg in this shot. See the large view for more detail.

More info about Florida's cicadas may be found at the University of Florida website.

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