Listings, Thanks, In Memoriam

Thanks to Susan Crealock for including Covenant and Appetite on Online Novels. Listing page is here.

I'm a guest blogger today for the Florida Writers Conference. Topic: Watching Movies to Learn Our Craft. Thanks to Chris Hamilton for including the piece.

I'm now on the site for ZonaCon, slated for Orlando in late November. And the new Deep Carnivale (Tampa next month) site is finally up. I plan to have a vendor table there, though I don't yet know if I'll have a reading slot. Much of their schedule this year is devoted to special tributes. In-between those two, I'll be a guest and vendor at Necronomicon in St. Petersburg (FL) and am currently signing up for panels. Thanks to coordinators Marc Miller (ZonaCon), David Audet (Deep Carnivale), and Ann Morris (Necronomicon); to everyone involved with planning these events; and to K.L. Nappier, with whom I'm teaming up in all three.

Thanks to Julianne Draper at the Miami Examiner for doing another piece on me. (To be clear, the Hugo win is John Klima's, though I and many others were a part of that process.)

My story "Flotsam" is blurbed over at Asimov's as part of its October/November issue line-up.

And Dybbuk Press has its cover and Table of Contents up for She Nailed A Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror.

I'm saddened by recent news that SF writer and poet Gene Van Troyer has died (1950-2009). I corresponded with him by snail mail in the early 80s, when I was first discovering science fiction poetry and the SFPA. At that time Gene was assistant editor at Star*Line. In 2007 he co-edited Speculative Japan (Kurodahan Press), an awesome anthology of Japanese speculative fiction, much of it published in English for the first time. He was a kind and generous human being and visionary. RIP, Gene. (SFWA obit here.)

Cover for Deviations: Covenant, Second Edition Cover for Deviations: Appetite

Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.)
Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite
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