
Written for the Sunday Scribblings prompt of the same name, #190.

Beauty is Mary, napping in the hospital room in which I type this.

Beauty is the plate of soft solid foods she had for lunch: sweet potato, pork, cooked broccoli and cauliflower, applesauce, soft roll, and coffee. Beauty is her appetizer, a shot of medicine to help intestinal motility.

Beauty is the IV bag she no longer needs and that was here when she needed it.

Beauty is the container of bile hanging on the wall above her bed, because the bile is no longer in her. Beauty is the NG tube that removed it.

Beauty is the hospital staff, the nurses and doctors attending, the physical therapist. Beauty is her roommate and her roommate's visitors.

Beauty is the friends, family, and well-wishers whose messages fly to me here. Beauty is the Internet beaming their good words, and the social networking sites in which those words reside. Beauty is the hospital's WiFi, the netbook on my lap. Beauty is connectivity.

Beauty is the roiling clouds beyond the hospital windows, the intricate storm layers we admire on our slow walks around the floor. The steady rain our county needs. Beauty is the shelter of the hospital, the umbrella I'd brought up from the car when it was still dry outside.

Beauty is catching up on sleep, after the emergency that brought us here.

Beauty is the holiday lights strung along State Road 44 in the heart of Inverness, which lifted my spirits in the bleary night when I drove Mary here. Beauty is the traffic lights that shone on that harrowing way in: green green green green green.

Beauty is the hello meows and purrs from Daisy, played on the beautiful digital recorder I've used to transport our cat's voice here.

Beauty is the hospital cafeteria and its healthy salads that keep me in good working order.

Beauty is living in the moment, trusting in the moment, and waiting for what the future brings.
Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other Journeys

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