Goin' Micro

In addition to turning more toward poetry lately, I've been checking out Twitter zines. Following up on my piece in Thaumatrope, micro-fiction "Empty Nest" is forthcoming in PicFic on May 18. "Nor'easter Requiem," a three-stanza poem (stanzas of 140 or fewer characters), will appear in unFold, dates TBD. Both zines come from Folded Word Press.

This Wednesday at 8 p.m. Eastern I'll be Cyrus A. Webb's guest on Conversations LIVE!

On Saturday, March 20, I'll be at the Land O'Lakes Library's inaugural Author Fair. Part of the sales proceeds will go to Friends of the Library. A week later on March 27, I'll join Loretta Rogers for cold reads/critiquing at the Homosassa Library.

On April 10, I'll give the workshop "Worth a Thousand Words: Using Photographic Principles in Poetry" at the Florida State Poets Association's Spring Fling in the town of Hernando.

Somewhere in the midst of all that, I'll get a new roof. The contract's been signed, the permit's been issued, and we've been praying to the weather gods for dry days. The Roof Helper website provided a list of questions to ask contractors, plus other helpful info. This was the first time I've collected multiple bids for a job; interviewing roofers and comparing their answers and comments gave me an education in itself.

Daisy, our one month shy of 18-year-old "kitten," is showing her age. She was diagnosed three years ago with progressive renal failure and pretty much held her own for a couple of years, but is now showing signs of decline. She's been a very forgiving cat, and recently achieved a new Personal Best in spitting out the pill. Tuna would be too hard on her kidneys, but she can have tuna juice, which comes in handy as a pill chaser.

What with our extended version of a Florida winter (more than 30 days when temperatures dropped below freezing, I've been told), I'm curious to see when our azaleas blossom. They grow inside our front hedge, though I don't know whether those were deliberate plantings by humans or presents from the birds.

Thanks again to everyone who has been downloading Deviations! Covenant and Appetite have both passed the 1,000-download mark over at Manybooks, with Destiny up above 750. All three volumes have crossed the 200-download mark at Smashwords. Work on preparing Bloodlines for release continues apace.

Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other Journeys
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