A News Sonnet A Day for April 2010: 9

I've set myself a goal for National Poetry Month this year: Compose a sonnet based on a science-themed news story each day.

Today's installment takes its cue from "Will Saturn's Moon Enceladus Prove a 'Second Genesis'--Confirming Life as a Feature of the Universe?" at The Daily Galaxy.

The Search For Night Life

From salty pool, there shoots an icy plume.
The image generates a bit of fuss --
For it suggests that life may be in bloom
On Saturn's frozen moon Enceladus.*

A spacecraft called Cassini took the shot,
A large eruption at the southern pole.
Organic features in a melting pot
That's warmer than the rest suggest a role

Historically restricted to the Earth.
And yet, the universe may well be rife
With those conditions heralding the birth
(Within our solar system, too!) of life.

This April, Saturn greets the naked eye.
Perhaps we have some neighbors in the sky.

* pronounced "En-SELL-uh-dus"

Note: I'm at the Florida State Poets Association's "Spring Fling" this weekend. My Saturday workshop will be, "Worth a Thousand Words: Using Photographic Principles in Poetry."

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