Hair for the Gulf

Hair for the Gulf

A few days ago I signed up at the Excess Access/Matter of Trust Hair for Oil Spills Program. Their instructions for sending hair, fur, and nylons is here. Last night I got an address to which I can send boxed hair and fur. The Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park takes nylons, so I can drop those and other needed items off locally.

The e-mail from Matter of Trust specifically says not to forward the storage address info, plus the info is good for only a few days. This is because places are volunteering storage space and don't want to be overwhelmed, and those locations change over time as different places step up to warehouse boxes of hair and fur. I have until May 20 to send what I can collect. After that date I need to wait to see if the deadline is extended or if a new address comes up.

Earlier today I paid a visit to the Quick Stop Barber Shop and told Angela I wanted a cut similar to what Annie Lennox sports here. My hair is thin, so it doesn't stand up on its own. But it combs back very nicely, since I've bunned it up in the back for years. This is the first time I've gotten a haircut since the 1970s.

I left a printout of the Matter of Trust instructions, along with my contact info. Quick Stop will collect clipped hair in a bag for me to pick up.

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