Summer Catch-Up

I received and am currently savoring these issues, thanks to Andy Sawyer, Reviews Editor at Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction (and course director of U. Liverpool's MA in Science Fiction Studies).

Special Collections

Thanks also to U. Liverpool and to other libraries that have welcomed the Deviations series into their special collections.

The University of Liverpool's Sydney Jones Library, Special Collections & Archives is Europe's largest catalogued collection of SF material, including the Science Fiction Foundation Collection and a wealth of literary archives.

So far, libraries receiving the full series also include:

The Eaton Collection at the University of California, Riverside. From the website: "The Eaton Collection is the largest publicly-accessible collection of science fiction, fantasy, horror and utopian fiction in the world. ... It is visited by scholars from around the world both for its American and international holdings."

University of South Florida Library's Special Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection: Includes the SF collection of John Clute, believed to be one of the largest privately held collections in the world.

University of Sydney Science Fiction and Fantasy Collections: The library's Ron Graham Science Fiction Collection and Colin Steele Collection together form one of the largest institutional collections of Science Fiction and Fantasy in the world.

Georgia Tech's Bud Foote Science Fiction Collection: Includes well over 8,000 cataloged science fiction novels, anthologies, monographs, journals, and films. The collection spans the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries and features items in English, Danish, Russian, French, Japanese, and many more languages.

Temple University's Paskow Science Fiction Collection: This collection contains more than 30,000 volumes, magazines (pulps, fanzines, and academic journals), over 100 cubic feet of manuscripts, and selected posters, paintings, drawings, and related materials.

The Maison d'Ailleurs (translated as "House of Elsewhere"): This museum of science fiction, utopia, and extraordinary journeys is located in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, and is the only public institution of its kind in the world. It is a non-profit foundation functioning both as a public museum and a specialized research center.

Deviations Website Back Up/Second Covenant Reviewed

My Deviations website has once again served its time in the penalty box for exceeding its allowed bandwidth. It again became accessible on August 1, still with this blog entry of alternate free download sites as backup.

Last year, David Roth of the Examiner reviewed Covenant, here. On August 2, he had this to say about Second Covenant:

"Five stars out of Five for Deviations: Second Covenant ©2011 by Elissa Malcohn. I have read literally thousands of books in my lifetime. During my time as a critic, this is the first time I’ve offered the same writer five stars twice....

"No longer the diamond in the rough that was Deviations: Covenant, Second Covenant is a fully clarified grade-A gem in the world of speculative fiction. A must read for lovers of the dark side of the genre. This is not your daddy’s science fiction. This is hard core, riveting, and page turning. Everything good fiction should be. And, perhaps most profound is that it is frighteningly believable!"

Publishing Workshop

On July 30 I joined Lakisha Spletzer (foreground) to give a publishing workshop at the Lakes Region Library. Kisha recorded most of it on video and has uploaded Part 1.

More to come! Stay tuned. Or, better yet, head over to Kisha's YouTube channel for her vlogs on writing process and more.

My display included:

1. Deviations: Covenant (paperback, Aisling Press).

2. Riffing on Strings: Creative Writing Inspired by String Theory (Scriblerus Press, IPPY Silver Medalist; contains my story "Arachne").

3. Unspeakable Horror: From the Shadows of the Closet (Dark Scribe Press, Bram Stoker Award winner; contains my story "Memento Mori").

4. Oct./Nov. 2009 Asimov's (Contains my novelette "Flotsam" -- on the recommended reading list in The Year's Best Science Fiction, 27th Annual Collection -- and poem "Derivative Work").

5. Vampyr Verse (Popcorn Press; contains my poem "Neighbors").

6. My chapbook 30 Science Sonnets for April 2010.

7. She Nailed A Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror (Dybbuk Press, 2010; contains my story "Judgment at Naioth").

8. Divinations: Writing by the Throw of the Dice.

9. Open Laboratory 2010: The Best of Science Writing on the Web (Coturnix, 2011; contains my poems "Manipulations" and "In Development").

10. Poetic Variables: Science Poems for January 2011 (a poem for each day in January, each written in a different form, in celebration of Science Online 2011).

11. Mythic Delirium #24 (contains my poem "The Last Dragon Slayer").

12: The Deviations Series Omnibus: All six books of my series collected into a handy CD.

(I've also posted my rather idiosyncratic checklist for e-book generation.)

Elissa Malcohn's Deviations and Other Journeys
Promote Your Page Too
Vol. 1, Deviations: Covenant (2nd Ed.), Vol. 2, Deviations: Appetite, Vol. 3, Deviations: Destiny, Vol. 4, Deviations: Bloodlines, Vol. 5, Deviations: TelZodo, Vol. 6 and conclusion: Deviations: Second Covenant.
Free downloads at the Deviations website (click here for alternate link), Smashwords, and Manybooks.



Proud participant, Operation E-Book Drop (provides free e-books to personnel serving overseas. Logo from the imagination and graphic artistry of K.A. M'Lady & P.M. Dittman); Books For Soldiers (ships books and more to deployed military members of the U.S. armed forces); and Shadow Forest Authors (a fellowship of authors and supporters for charity, with a focus on literacy).
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