A News Sonnet A Day for April 2010: 20

I've set myself a goal for National Poetry Month this year: Compose a sonnet based on a science-themed news story each day.

Today's installment takes its cue from "Beavers Sign up to Fight Effects of Climate Change" by Isabelle Groc in Discover.

A Project With Teeth

In times of drought, we hold spring runoff dear.
Conserving water makes for healthy streams.
The job calls for a top-notch engineer
Experienced in nature's posts and beams.

The specs: Build dams designed to leak a bit.
The State of Washington proposes that
Their beavers can provide the perfect fit.
The pay: Ten thousand miles of habitat.

Instead of billions spent on manmade fuss,
Less than a million bucks could likely save
Six-hundred-fifty-trillion gallons plus,
While giving beavers just the work they crave.

This year a small-scale project aims to tell
How wisely we can draw from nature's well.

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