Chapbook and Moth

30 Science Sonnets Chapbook

I've put April's science sonnets (index here) into a chapbook. From the back cover blurb: "Thirty sonnets delve into science's breaking news during a month of discovery. From advances in cloaking devices to dogs helping war veterans through post-traumatic stress disorder. From an asteroid passing close to the Earth to one containing basic components for life. From bees whose genes dictate their diets to beavers recruited to help a state cope with climate change. And much more."

The cover features an African iris (original shot here) and a photo I took of the Moon, reddened from Georgia wildfires (original shot here). My intro describes a bit of the poem-generation process.

Earlier on Tuesday, I found this Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth:

Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth

Malacosoma americanum, Family Lasiocampidae (Tent Caterpillar and Lappet Moths). Thanks to Bob Patterson at Bugguide for the ID! Species info here.

I had no idea what I was looking at -- before now, I'd seen only the caterpillars and their tents. My initial guess (a Datana species) was waaaay off. I not only had the Family wrong on that one; I had the Superfamily wrong. (I usually see Datana moths with their wings curled up (here, for instance), but I've occasionally seen one with its wings unfurled).

This critter wasn't one of those. The only thing they have in common is that they're both moths.

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