Seen on the Withlacoochie State Trail

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The trailhead at Holder is just a few miles down the road from the house. I decided to be on the trail when it came time for me to take a photograph for A Moment in May, a project of the New York Times.

I have yet to identify all of the plant species, including the pink and purple flowers above. They carpeted the space off the trail, just to my right (east):

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At least I know a prickly pear cactus when I see it:

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With an unopened flower...

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... and an opened one, farther down the trail, closer to the South Citrus Springs trailhead:

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Prickly flowers of another sort, also close to the South Citrus Springs trailhead:

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Common name: Tread Softly. Cnidoscolus stimulosus, Spurge Family. Also called Spurge Nettle or Bull Nettle. Says our National Audubon Society Field Guide to Florida, "Do not touch, covered with stinging hairs; can cause severe reactions." These bloom March-October, "probably year-round in s. FL."

You can barely see the yellow flowers for the foliage...

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But get a little closer...

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And closer still...

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The sign at the South Citrus Springs trailhead gives mileage to the northern and southern terminus of the trail.


The photo below is what I submitted as my "A Moment in May" shot, taken at 11:00 a.m. my time. The project solicited photos taken around the globe at 3 p.m. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

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Bird boxes like the one shown here stand to the west of the trail, with forest to the east. The yellow flowers (above) bloomed to the west of the trail. All the other plant photos were taken on the eastern side.

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